An open filing drawer full of different coloured files.

Disclosure Log

For each disclosure listed, there is a brief description of what was requested, the date it was processed and a summary of the answer.

Disc log number Date released Subject
001 31 August 2011 Services to the wind industry
002 25 October 2011 Power use effectiveness
003 5 December 2011 Fibre Optic Cables
004 30 January 2012 Met Office's annual cost to the taxpayer
005 25 April 2012 Height of Met Office
006 7 September 2012 How the Met Office is funded


25 March 2013

Staff Numbers in Exeter


13 June 2013

Number of staff employed at Met Office


3 July 2013

Cost of translating web site into Gaelic
010 November 2013 Flight Data 2011    Flight Data 2011
011 25 September 2013 Contrails
012 13 February 2014 Advertising Policy 2014
013 13 February 2014 Office accommodation provided to carry out trade union business
014 24 March 2014 Distribution of laptops to staff
015 24 April 2014 Amount spent on electricity
016 16 March 2015 Special Paid Leave
017 3 November 2015 Mobile phone information
018 25 February 2016 UK weather data
019 16 March 2016 Storm names
020 3 October 2016 Temperature data
021 1 May 2018 Staff pay and executive emoluments 
022 23 May 2018 Shipping forecasts Att01 Att02 Att03 Att04 Att05 Att06 Att07 Att08 Att09
023 22 October 2018 National Severe Weather Warnings Service (NSWWS)
024 3 April 2019 Location of Radars 
025 3rd March 2020 Storm naming
026 12th January 2021 Person Responsible for IT/Information Security 
027 31st January 2021 Stats on Requests for Information and Complaints 
Year End Stats 20/21 11th June 2021 1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021
029 22nd September 2021 Chemtrailing or cloud seeding
Year End Stats 21/22 1st February 2023 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022
030 7th September 2022 Met Office funding
031 21st July 2022

Hottest recorded temperatures

Year End Stats 22/23 2nd July 2024 1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023
Year End Stats 23/24 2nd July 2024 1st April 2023 - 31st March 2024
032 8th July 2024 Geo-engineering

For information released prior to November 2011, please see the MOD disclosure log.