Timing of summaries and statistics
Schedule for summaries and statistics
Provisional summaries and statistics
Provisional summaries and statistics are based on climate data from around 270 UK weather stations from which observations are received in real-time. The provisional summaries show the Met Office's best assessment of the weather that was experienced across the UK, based on the data available at the time.
Provisional monthly summaries and statistics for the latest month are usually available by the end of the fourth working day after the end of the month. Provisional seasonal and annual summaries and statistics for the latest season or year are usually available by the end of the fifth working day after the end of the season or year.
Annual update
Weather observations are also received from several hundred climate stations, and several thousand rainfall stations, which are maintained by co-operating observers. Most of these data are not received in real-time but several days, or weeks, later.
The HadUK-Grid dataset goes through an annual update cycle, in which the entire dataset, including associated statistics, are updated. This allows all available weather data to be received, the full station network to be included in the dataset and a comprehensive quality control process to be carried out. Since the entire dataset is updated, this ensures any quality control changes to historic observations and recently digitized historic observations are also included in the dataset.
These statistics present the Met Office's best assessment of the weather that was experienced across the UK. As the full station network comprises a much larger number of stations, statistics based on the full network may be considered more reliable and capture a greater level of regional detail - particularly for rainfall - than provisional statistics.