Dr Bjoern Hendrik Fock
Momentum Partnership - Senior Scientist
Areas of expertise
Collaborations between NWP centres
Model development and deployment
Knowledge and technology transfer
Current activities
Bjoern Hendrik is a member of the Momentum Partnership Team and supports partners using and developing Momentum® - The Unified Earth Environment Prediction Framework. Bjoern serves as liaison scientist between partner needs for their operational weather prediction and the Research to Operations (R2O) team at the Met Office.
Support activities include providing / organising
- Customised data and software for Momentum implementations at partner organisations
- Investigations of model problems and forecast quality with Momentum Partners
- Scientific and technical advice to partners
- Collaboration between Momentum Partners
- Training and mentoring of new model users within the Momentum Partnership
- Scientific workshops for the Momentum Partnership
Career background
Bjoern Hendrik is an atmospheric scientist and has an academic background in mesoscale and sub-mesoscale modelling. He worked in Germany at the University of Hamburg on questions related to urban climate, convective boundary layers, environmental meteorology and applied marine science, before joining the Met Office in 2014. His last project in Hamburg was the development of a regional coupled atmosphere / sea-ice / ocean model as a component of an Arctic ship routing system.
He studied meteorology at the University of Hamburg and the University of Oklahoma and wrote his PhD thesis about large eddy simulation and urban climate.