Colin Morice
Colin works on the development of observational near-surface temperature datasets and monitoring of the current state of the climate.
Areas of expertise
Climate monitoring.
Dataset development.
Current activities
Colin works on the development of near-surface temperature datasets, with a focus on quantification of uncertainty in records of global and regional temperatures. His work is currently focused on the development and maintenance of the CRUTEM land surface air temperature dataset and the HadCRUT combined land and sea-surface temperature dataset.
His work also involves monitoring of the state of the climate, putting observed change and variability into historical context.
Career background
Colin graduated with a degree in Acoustics from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) at the University of Southampton in 2005 and completed an MSc in Oceanography at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton in 2006.
In 2010 he completed a PhD in statistical sensor fusion for underwater robotic navigation, undertaken as a joint project between the Natural Environmental Research Council's Underwater Systems Laboratory and the School of Engineering Sciences of the University of Southampton.
Colin joined the Climate Monitoring and Attribution team in the Met Office Hadley Centre in 2010.