Dr Emily Wallace

Areas of expertise

  • Energy

  • Energy networks

  • Nuclear safety and design

  • Renewable energy

  • Infrastructure

  • Climate adaptation

  • Seasonal forecasting

  • Statistical analysis

Current activities

Emily leads the provision of weather and climate services to improve resilience of UK infrastructure. She ensures that cross-sectoral learning and expertise is transferred between sectors including energy, transport and water, capitalising on the Met Office’s unique position working across the lifecycle of these sectors.

A recent focus has been on how the new UKCP18 climate projections can be exploited in key sectors to improve UK infrastructure resilience.

Career background

Emily has a passion for using weather and climate data to improve decision making and resilience in industry. She has over 7 years' experience following this passion, leading teams of scientists to complete projects in sectors ranging from reinsurance, international development, transport and energy.

With the energy sector in a period of extreme flux this provided a ripe avenue for focus. For 5 years she has managed a team solving a diverse range of problems related to energy networks, network resilience, renewable energy, and nuclear safety and design.

She now works to transfer these capabilities to other sectors for which infrastructure resilience is a major concern.

Emily is a statistician with a PhD in extreme value analysis. She began her career working as a research scientist in Met Office Hadley Centre. Here she optimised season-ahead forecasts for end-users including Cabinet Office and energy traders, and provided training and advice on this subject to meteorological services around the world.

Emily is a member of the BSI standards committee for Greenhouse gas management and related activities.


Publications by Emily Wallace