DataPoint products

Each product has detailed documentation about the datafeed and a tutorial to help you to use our data.

All the content of the products on DataPoint can be split into two main categories - Forecast and Observations. Some products may contain both in the same datafeed.


Forecasts cover all products that provide a prediction of the future state of the weather, whether that be in the next hour, day week, month or even out to 30 years.

On Met Office DataPoint at the moment we have three types of forecast products:

  • site specific data
  • text
  • map overlays

Some products may contain a mixture of both data and text.


Observation products provide information on what the weather or climate was like; this may be in terms of the last 24 hours (also known as Current Weather) or further back, sometimes referred to as Historical Observations.

On Met Office DataPoint at the moment we have various types of observation products:

  • site specific data
  • map overlays
  • charts