A green question mark next to the words 'frequently asked questions'.

Network Weather Resilience (NWR) FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

All user FAQs

  1. Can I use NWR on my mobile or tablet?
  2. Am I eligible to register my organisation for NWR?
  3. How do I register my organisation for NWR?
  4. How do I create a new Met Office account?
  5. The application doesn't display properly in my browser. Why is this?
  6. The application is responding slowly. Why is this?
  7. I can see the thresholds page, but I can’t make changes. Why is this?
  8. Why can’t I add or see any airports on my map?
  9. Why can't I see airport data (METAR/SPECI/TAF)?
  10. When are the weather layers updated?
  11. Why does my watch list reset when I log out?
  12. I think there’s a bug in the system. How do I report this?
  13. Why is Wind Shear on the Threshold Page? I have never seen that before.
  14. What does “Any” mean on the Threshold Page Buttons for Runway Visual Range and Wind Shear?
  15. I’m having issues finding the information I need. Who can I speak to?
  16. Why is a report greyed out?

Superuser FAQs

  1. How do I become a Superuser?
  2. I have requested a Superuser account but I can't amend thresholds or add airports to the map?
  3. NWR is mobile-friendly. Why can’t I change my organisation’s thresholds or edit my airport list on my mobile or tablet?
  4. I’ve made changes to the airport list for our organisation. Why can’t my users see the changes on the map?
  5. I’ve set my thresholds but they’re not appearing on the map. Why is this?
  6. Why can't I see weather reports?
  7. Why do I only see part of a weather layer?
  8. My Superuser has moved organisations. How do I change my Superuser details?

All user FAQs

1. Can I use NWR on my mobile or tablet?

You can access NWR using desktop, mobile or tablet. Please note: if you are using a mobile or tablet it is likely that the Superuser functionality will not be available.

2. Am I eligible to register my organisation for NWR?

If you’re unsure whether you can register for NWR, please get in touch. Read our Statement of Operational Use for more information.

3. How do I register my organisation for NWR?

Visit the NWR webpage to check your organisation's eligibility and follow the steps to register your organisation. Once you are granted access other users in your organisation will be able to sign up.

Someone from your organisation may have already requested access to NWR and identified a superuser - please check internally if set-up has already been completed before proceeding further.

4. How do I create a new Met Office account?

If your organisation is already registered, you can visit the NWR portal page to create an account.  View our step-by-step guide on how to create an account. 

5. The application doesn’t display properly in my browser. Why is this?

NWR supports Chrome, latest version, fully. Firefox, Safari and Edge are supported but the application is not fully optimised for these browser types. IE is not supported.

6. The application is responding slowly. Why is this?

Please try checking your WIFI or 4G connection. If the problem persists, please call 0370 900 0100.

7. I can see the thresholds page but I can’t make changes. Why is this?

General users can read the threshold page but cannot make modifications to the Red Amber Green (RAG) statuses. Only those with a Superuser account have admin rights to modify threshold page values. If you wish to make a change to the page, please contact them with your request. If you are not using a desktop then thresholds will be read only.

8. Why can’t I add or see any airports on my map?

Please note, you will only be able to add airports to the map if you are a Superuser. If the Superuser for your organisation has not added any airports to their ‘Manage Airports’ page, airports will not be available for all users. If you are not using a desktop then thresholds will be read only.

If there are no airports, speak to your Superuser to add airports to the list, these will then show up on the map with an approximate 30-minute delay.

9. Why can't I see airport data (METAR/SPECI/TAF)?

METARs and SPECIs are shown on the map as coloured circles. TAFs are shown as coloured squares around the circle. If these markers are grey or white, it means that:

  • Grey – No useful information in the TAF or METAR, usually the time is given but nothing else. Or the decoder was unable to decode the data.
  • White – No data is available for a METAR, SPECI or TAF.

10. When are the weather layers updated?

The following table highlights the update intervals for each type of weather layer featured in NWR:

Weather Layer

Update Interval (Minutes)

Data Type

Visible Satellite 



Infra-Red Satellite 



Observed Lightning Spherics 


Visible Thunderstorms 


Observations: Visible satellite imagery overlaid with European (OPERA) weather radar and lightning observations 

Infrared Thunderstorms 


Observations: Infrared satellite imagery overlaid with European (OPERA) weather radar and lightning observations 

Surface Pressure 

12 [hours] 

Forecast: Global Weather Forecast Model 

Jet Stream 

12 [hours] 

Forecast: Global Weather Forecast Model 

11. Why does my watch list reset when I log out?

The watch list resets after each session, so the user will have to create a new watch list each time they log in.

12. I think there’s a bug in the system. How do I report this?

If you think there may be a fault in the system, please contact 0370 900 0100 or fill in the contact form opposite.

13. Why is Wind Shear on the Threshold Page? I have never seen that before.

UK aerodrome weather reports (METAR/TAF) do not report wind shear, but the USA and other countries do. As NWR handles data from all over the world, there is the option to highlight wind shear in reports, if desired.

14. What does “Any” mean on the Threshold Page Buttons for Runway Visual Range and Wind Shear?

If any Runway Visual Range or Wind Shear is reported in the aerodrome weather report, the assigned Red-Amber-Green will be applied.

15. I’m having issues finding the information I need. Who can I speak to?

Please contact 0370 900 0100 or fill in the contact form opposite.

16. Why is a report greyed out?

A report will be greyed out if it's unavailable.

Superuser FAQs

1. How do I become a Superuser?

If your organisation is already registered for NWR you will already have a superuser assigned. Typically, organisations will only have one or two superusers.

Superusers will usually fulfil the following job roles

  • Airports - Operations
  • Airlines - Dispatch and flight operations
  • Air Traffic Management - Airspace capacity management

Please speak to your organisation if you think your general user account needs to be elevated to a superuser account. Please note, the Met Office will not be able to process requests for additional superusers without the permission/removal of the existing superusers. The existing superusers will then need to call 0370 900 0100 or use the contact form opposite to inform the Met Office of the changes.

Someone from your organisation may have already requested access to NWR and identified a superuser - please check internally if set-up has already been completed before proceeding further.

If your organisation has not registered for NWR, please follow the steps on the NWR webpage stating who your superuser(s) will be using the above job roles as a guide.

2. I have requested a Superuser account but I can't amend thresholds or add airports to the map?

You need to be using a desktop sized screen to access the superuser features. If you are using the correct hardware and are still experiencing problems please contact 0370 900 0100 or fill in the contact form opposite.

3. NWR is mobile-friendly. Why can’t I change my organisation’s thresholds or edit my airport list on my mobile or tablet?

The mobile and tablet version of NWR does not support the superuser features above as they are difficult to use effectively on a small device. All standard user features are available.

4. I’ve made changes to the airport list for our organisation. Why can’t my users see the changes on the map?

Superuser updates to the airport list will take time to apply to all standard users and new airports added to the list will appear when the latest TAF/METAR/SPECI has been published.

5. I’ve set my thresholds but they’re not appearing on the map. Why is this?

Check that changes have been applied and click the save button in the lower right-hand corner. Threshold changes will only apply to the map when the next set of METAR reports come through.

6. Why can't I see weather reports?

If the thumbnail is greyed out and is not a clickable link, then this product is not currently available. If you feel that it should be, please contact 0370 900 0100 or fill in the contact form opposite.

7. Why do I only see part of a weather layer?

You can adjust the layer coverage for some layers by selecting 'UK', 'Europe' or 'Global' on the layer picker.

8. My Superuser has moved organisations. How do I change my Superuser details?

If a superuser leaves your organisation and you need to request a new one, please contact us.

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