UK Climate Projections (UKCP)
The UK Climate Projections (UKCP) is a set of tools and data that shows you how the UK climate may change in the future.
UKCP summaries and headline findings
Get summaries of UKCP data, including headlines from the latest climate change projections for the UK.
UKCP data
Download UKCP data for your own use. This section will show you what data is available and how you can access it.
How to use UKCP
Guidance on how to use the UKCP User Interface or CEDA catalogue, as well as general advice on using UKCP data in your work, and case studies on how others use UKCP data.
UKCP science
Information about the science behind the projections, including our science reports and technical notes.
About UKCP
Find out more about UKCP, including introductory information for first-time users, and the latest news & updates about the project.