Climate, cryosphere and ocean scientists
Our climate, cryosphere and ocean scientists
Lesley works on understanding the ocean’s role in climate variability and change, with a focus on ocean heat content and sea level
- Dr Rosa Barciela
Rosa leads the research and development of the operational marine ecosystems and sediment modelling systems
- Dr Mike Bell
Mike is working on the the dynamics of meridional overturning circulations and ocean heat uptake and the numerics of the NEMO ocean model. He is also Head of Learning and Development within Science.
- Dr Ed Blockley
Ed leads the Polar Climate Group whose focus is understanding climate change in polar regions and development of the sea ice model component of the Met Office prediction systems.
Understanding and trying to improve the way numerical ocean models represent the turbulent multi-scales dynamics of the oceans.
- Daley Calvert
Daley works on vertical mixing processes in the ocean, improving their representation and evaluating their performance within the latest climate model.
- David Ford
David works on modelling the biogeochemistry of the open ocean, and the assimilation of biological and physical data.
- Dr Helene Hewitt
Helene is a Met Office Science Fellow and leads the Ocean Modelling group.
- Dr Tom Howard
Tom is interested in century-scale change in extreme coastal sea level
- Dr Patrick Hyder
Pat works on the evaluation and development of ocean-only and coupled climate global/regional models.
- Dr Laura Jackson
Understanding the global ocean circulation, in particular the Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Ann Keen
Ann works on sea ice modelling, including model development and assessment of model predictions.
Matt works on the development of the NEMO ocean model.
- Dr Matt Palmer
Matt leads sea level and ocean heat content research at the Met Office Hadley Centre.
- Dr Anne Pardaens
Anne works on sea level rise with a particular interest in projected regional variations.
- Dr Jeff Ridley
Jeff is a climate scientist working on the understanding and modelling of ice sheets and mountain glaciers, and their likely contribution to future global sea-level rise.
Richard leads work on ocean reanalysis.
- Dr Dave Storkey
Dave works on the development and validation of the physical model in the FOAM ocean forecasting system.
- Dr Jonathan Tinker
Jonathan predicts future changes in shelf seas terms of sea level rise, hydrography and circulation.
- Dr Ian Totterdell
Ian uses models of ocean biology and chemistry both to understand the current Earth system and to examine possible future climate feedbacks
Jennifer is a climate scientist focussed on developing climate information on sea-level rise to guide resilience and adaptation decisions.
- Alex West
Alex works on sea ice with a focus on assessment of the sea ice model (CICE) used by the Met Office.
- Dr Richard Wood
Richard leads the Climate, Cryosphere and Oceans group in the Met Office Hadley Centre.