Clean air superheroes

These resources will empower students and your school community to find out why clean air is important, the sources of air pollution and the actions we can all take to protect ourselves from the health harms of air pollution.

These activities explore why clean air is important, the sources of air pollution and the actions we can all take to protect ourselves from the health harms of air pollution. Students will design their own clean air superheroes and find out how their superheroes can help them take positive actions towards a cleaner air future.

5-7 year olds

Click the icon to download in English


  Clean air superheroes activity plan (PDF 1.7MB)



   Clean air superheroes presentation (PDF 3.2MB)


7-11 year olds

In this activity for 7-11 year olds, students will also have the option to create an action plan for their superhero, to start making some of the changes they want to see!

Click the icon to download in English


  Clean air superheroes activity plan (PDF 5.6MB)



   Clean air superheroes presentation (PDF 4.7MB)